Men's Ministry

Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.

1 Corinthians 16:13

Join us for M24... a 24 hours men's retreat

Join other men at the Circle J Retreat Center for an 'Iron Sharpens Iron' event where men are challenged to become better leaders, husbands, and followers of Christ. This is a free event but we do ask that you register so we can prepare enough food, lodging, and all around space for every man that is coming. We look forward to seeing you there! 

Friday Morning Study

CrossPoint Baptist Church @ 6:00am

Join other men to discuss scripture biblically in a manner that induces personal application in order to own, defend and share his faith daily.

Join a Sunday Small Group

Get Connected. Go Deeper.

Sunday morning we have a handful of small groups for people to join. These groups are not men specific but allow Christians to sharpen to Bible knowledge and understanding for personal application.